Chair Nominations Open
Our Membership, Advocacy, Marketing, Corporate & Community Outreach, and DEI&B chairs are open for nominations. You may nominate another member or yourself. Being on the Leadership team for NAWBO Austin is very rewarding, plus added visibility for you and your business. Fellow chairs and even the past chairs also very supportive to make each committee and our whole chapter a success.

Support your chapter by volunteering for a committee.
Marketing/Communication Committee
Promotes awareness of NAWBO ATX. Communicates chapter activities and events to chapter members as well as the community.
Membership Committee
Promotes growth of NAWBO ATX through recruitment, orientation and retention. Manages database and membership engagement.
Events & Programs Committee
Planning all NAWBO ATX events and sets programming according to the needs of our membership base.
DEI&B Committee
DEIB is blended through all committees and membership. It shows up in representation, event locations, panelists and speakers and most importantly making current and future members feel welcomed and wanted.
Advocacy Committee
Educates members on issues that impact their business at the local, state & federal levels & coordinates with policy makers and encourages connections with our chapter.
Corporate & Community Outreach Committee
Ensures the viability of our chapter bringing corporate partners and members sponsors for our chapter and events.

Events and programming are made possible by businesses just like yours! We have sponsorships available for every budget.
Supporting - $250
Single Monthly Luncheon Meeting Sponsor (members only)
Bronze - $500
Special Event Sponsor
Silver - $1500
Quarterly Event Sponsor
Gold - $2500
VIP Sponsor at All Chapter Events
Platinum - $5000
Title Sponsor for all Chapter Events

We invite NAWBO Premier members to speak at our luncheons and other events. Please fill out this form to be considered.